Moderson Jean Baptiste

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My name is Moderson Jean Baptiste. 10 years ago I was a child who lived  in Port au Prince without any parents but I lived with my aunt and my uncle.  I did not have any parents to finance my education so it was so difficult for me to go to school but after some months I found a foundation which pays my school. That was the Restavek Freedom Foundation. Even if I was in a bad situation I always hoped that everything would change in my life because I have God. Today my life has changed since I got a Bridge Scholarship. Thanks to Bridge I am studying Agronomy at Providence University of Haiti and with my knowledge I have begun to realize my dream to help children that are in a bad situation like me.

10 years ago, despite the efforts I made, I felt that I was in a low position. Right now I can't help a lot of children but with God I hope to have opportunities to make my dream come true.  I'm working so hard because I have a destination I want to reach. I want to offer the things I did not have as a child such as education, clothes, a safe house and affection. Most of all I want to keep them safe. My objective is to see Haiti without any children in a bad situation. So that's my promise for the generations to come.

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