A word from our Program Manager:
Weeks later I am still thinking about the terrible weekend we had in Haiti right after the government chose to increase the prices of gas. Chaos was everywhere in the country.
Some people think it was great to protest against the government to let our politicians know that we can't tolerate their embezzlement and endure this kind of life anymore. Those people think the best way to talk with the government is to burn tires, barricade our roads, etc.
Others condemn this kind of protest because they think after every protest we lose more than we had in this country and we keep going back again and again. That's a good point as well!
My opinion is not to judge anyone or to take a side because every opinion that is expressed is true. Unfortunately, people just choose to protest against the government in the wrong way and the results couldn't bring happiness and benefits! I don’t agree with my peoples’ decisions because if you protest against the prices of gas and then you burn a gas station, where is the logic? Iif you protest because you can't afford anything to eat but then you start burning all the markets… I don't understand what is the point? It is not a good idea to destroy what you already have just because you think you should have more. Of course the government should work better to provide the people what need because it is their responsibility and they should work for US, the Haitian people, that's why we pay them very well.
Although I dont agree, I also understand my people because they are living a difficult life. It is very hard to live in a country where you can't find the minimum of any services even if you have a job. Imagine for a moment, a family of four and none of them have a job and they have to eat everyday… Just imagine that terrifying scenario.
I am optimistic. Things could change in this country but we don't need a leader who keeps telling us what to do by his own viewpoint. We need a leader who has the capacity to listen to people and give them the freedom to bring their viewpoint about the situation. People need a voice in the change because people need to learn to think critically and differently so that they can be intimately engaged and relevant in their country.
I love my country even if most of the time I am disappointed by our politicians’ actions. Yes I was thinking about leaving the country like many of our people but I refuse to not be part of the change that I have always wanted to see in my country.