Rosemyrtha O.


I’m  Rose-Myrtha Ordelus, a  young, wise girl. I was born at Jean Rabel and since I was young my parents were separated.  I lived without a mom and dad. When I was seven years old the other members of my family sent me to Port-au–Prince to live with one of my aunts. She took care of me and gave me food, clothes and so on.  One day I met with some members of a program called Restavek Freedom. I was very happy when I met them and they said that their mission is to help children. Then they gave me the opportunity to enter university! Since I was little I always had a dream of going to university. However I wasn’t born in a big family that could pay for it but I often thought that if I’m studying day after day and I stay strong in life, things will change for me. Sometimes I felt disheartened in this life but when I remember that I have a dream I continue to follow my dream. My dream was to become a great nurse. Now I have opportunity to go to university! My profession is not easy but I love it a lot! I know I must work hard to have success in life. So thanks to each of you for your help and I know God will bless you as you have blessed me!

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